With our platform, you can now choose which elements you want to add to SAP SuccessFactors. From a workflow engine, a digital personnel file with document generation functionality to manage expenses or flexible benefits, to a state-of-the-art ticketing system, chatbot, knowledge base, and news items. All these elements can add powerful functionality to SAP SuccessFactors and are all combined in a HR portal customized to your company and users. A partner that is a member of SAP’s curated startup ecosystem.


Benefits and Features

Add extra HR functionality to SAP SuccessFactors

Add all kind of HR elements to SAP SuccessFactors that are beneficial to your company, like document generation, expenses, flexible benefits, a digital personnel file, ticketing, chatbots, news items, a knowledge base, workflows, and payroll checks, all seemlessly integrated in SAP SuccessFactors by a 1-stop employee dashboard for all SAP and non-SAP HR applications.


Be GDPR compliant due to full integration into SAP SuccessFactors

Our applications use the great functionality of SAP SuccessFactors and ensure that the technical possibilities are used to the maximum. Our applications are 100% designed for SAP SuccessFactors and are connected by single sign-on. Where possible, we also store everything back into SAP SuccessFactors, and we leverage the role-based permissions within SAP SuccessFactors.


Choose the exact HR elements that you need to enrich

There is no need to take all functionality; only take what you need and only pay for that part. Of course, you can always add extra functionality at a later time. This assures that you ad functionality where you need it and only invest time and money in the implementation and support of the required extra functionality.



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