What does it do?

Calculate your basic (landed cost) prices based on purchase prices, additional costs and comparable items for high volumes of articles. From this virtual price list, you can add a mark-up, resulting in an effective price list. Price lists can be linked to customers or customer hierarchies at various levels such as product hierarchy, material type, material, sales area, material group…

Business challenges

  • Avoid complex and decentralised (Excel) price calculations
  • Calculations are based on ERP business information
  • Mass price updates in ERP system


Key features

  • Central pricing cockpit containing all pricing elements
  • Data is taken directly from ERP system
  • Calculation, simulation and mass update features
  • Complex price calculation rules



  • Centralised management of sales prices directly into SAP ERP
  • Maintain and view price elements centrally
  • Calculate, simulate and mass update directly into SAP ERP price lists



  • SAP ERP & S/4HANA (On-prem and Private Cloud)


Why choose TheValueChain ?

Learn about why choosing TheValueChain.



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